Wednesday 2 May 2012

The future is bright !

Today, I met with a significant organisational actor and really pleased with the support and offer of assistance in pushing forward my EBI. Whist there are some powerful elements who are committed to the status quo, it is encouraging to see commitment coming from such a high level corner within the organisation. This was an important hurdle to cross and reminds of the article on tipping point leadership where Bill Bratton reformed the New York Police department. Whilst the circumstances and the context is clearly different, my organisation is similar to the NYPD in that it is financed by the public and has also vested interests committed to maintaining the status quo.


W. Chan Kim, Renee A. Mauborgne
Source: Harvard Business Review
14 pages. Publication date: Apr 01, 2003. Prod. #: R0304D-PDF-ENG


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